Page 26 - Demo
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25TECHNICAL DATASpeeds and FeedsHIGH SHEARMaterial Group Material Type Cutting Speed (Vc-m/min) High ShearCutting Speed (SFM) High ShearSteel Structural Steel 84-107 274 - 350Free Cutting Steel 84-107 274 - 350Unalloyed Heat Treatable Steel 75 - 109 245 - 356Unalloyed Case Hardened Steel 75 - 90 245 - 294Alloyed Case Hardened Steel 75 - 90 245 - 294Nitriding Steel 75 - 90 245 - 294Acid Resistant / Stainless Steel, Sulphured 69 - 84 225 - 274High Tensile Steel Low Carbon Steel 100-114 327 - 373Medium Carbon Steel 84- 107 274 - 350Alloyed Heat Treatable Steel 75-90 245 - 294Tool Steel 84-107 274 - 350High Speed Steel 75-90 245 - 294Spring Steel 75 - 90 245 - 294Cast Materials Cast Iron 100-114 327 - 373Spheroidal Graphite & Malleable CI 100-114 327 - 373Chilled CI 84-107 274 - 350Aluminum & Aluminum 84 - 107 274 - 350Aluminum Alloys Al Wrought Alloys 84 - 107 274 - 350Al Cast Alloys < 10%Si 84 - 107 274 - 350Al Cast Alloys > 10%Si 84 - 107 274 - 350Non ferrous Metals Copper Low Alloyed 130 - 160 425 - 523Brass 130 - 160 425 - 523Bronze 130 - 160 425 - 523Magnesium Alloys Mg Alloys 84 - 107 274 - 350All the parameters are taken for closed slot & for 1XD (depth). For open slot increase speed by 10% & for depth more than 1XD decrease speed by 10%High Shear End MillTECHNICAL DATA